Real-time Data
Check out the new tables of data summary from all-sky cameras on the
archive page.
Conde merged-data maps are here (no winds) here
Conde merged-data maps are here (winds) here
GI Magnetometer Array realtime plots.
ACE 6-hour plot here
New ACE/DISCOVR solar wind interactive plots here
Sony A7S all-sky camera images from Toolik Lake, Poker Flat and Gakona, can be found here
Venetie high-speed photometer spectrograms here
Individual Instruments
Poker Flat Digital All-sky - RGB combined
Kaktovik Spectrograph Keogram (4-hour) | Toolik Spectrograph Keogram (4-hour)
Kaktovik Spectrograph Keogram (24-hour) | Toolik Spectrograph Keogram (24-hour)
Poker 24-hour Keogram from allsky
Poker 3-hour Meridian Spectrograph Keogram
Poker 15-hour Meridian Spectrograph Keogram
Poker 10-hour Meridian Spectrograph RGB Keogram
Poker 10-hour Meridian Spec RGB Keogram and stack plot
Poker Meridian Spectrograph Summary
Poker Traditional MSP 3-hour Keogram
Mapped all-sky cameras
Single Station Combined Instruments
Kaktovik | Toolik | Fort Yukon | Poker | Poker (rgb keo)
Launch Single Station Combined Instruments
Kaktovik | Toolik | Fort Yukon | Poker Flat(20 sec) | Poker Flat(5 sec)
KAK + TOO + FYU + PKR keograms
See real-time images from the EISCAT 3-D region