# /etc/asco/ixon2.conf, image series timing and size configuration for ixon
#  For parameters not shown here, look in ixon.conf and asco3.conf.
#  Note that updating of ixon.conf is done with program ixon_config.
#  Table summarizing information needed for each acquisition mode.
#                            ACCUMULATE     NUMBER     KINETIC   NUMBER
#      MODE       EXPOSURE     CYCLE          OF        CYCLE      IN
#                   TIME       TIME     ACCUMULATIONS   TIME     KINETIC
#                                                                SERIES
#  SINGLE SCAN       X
#  ACCUMULATE        X          X             X
#  KINETIC SERIES    X          X             X           X        X
#  RUN TILL ABORT    X                                    X
#  FAST KINETICS     X          X                                  X
#  Example of kinetic series with 3 accumulations and 2 kinetics: 6 images.
#  __|**|____|**|____|**|_________|**|____|**|____|**|
#  Exposure Time:           |**|         (1 image)
#  Accumulated Cycle Time:  |**|____|
#  Kinetic Cycle Time:      |**|____|**|____|**|_________|
#  No. of Accumulations:    3
#  No. in Kinetic Series:   2
#  For in-depth explanation, see "User's Guide To: ANDOR SDK" (www.andor.com)

#  FILTER         The filter used for imaging the aurora, for documentation
#                 purposes. Does not influence actual measurements but will
#                 print to log file. Set to -999 for unknown or 0 for no
#                 filtering.
#  int angstroms

#  EXPOSURE_TIME  The actual time to acquire an image/picture (sec).
#                 EXPOSURE (_TIME)   is also defined in asco3.conf (millisec)
#                 If this setting >=0, then it takes precedence. If
#                 less than zero, exposure in asco3.conf is used.
#  float seconds

# ACCUMULATED_CYCLE_TIME Time between each accumulated image. The time
#                        between each image in an 'accumulation' of
#                        images.
#      float seconds
# With Acquisition_Mode set to ACCUMULATE, KINETIC_SERIES, or FAST_KINETICS,
# this accumulated_cycle_time gives the seconds between images
# within an 'accumulated' series. It is reset by the sdk s/w to the
# minimum possible time nearest what is requested based on all other
# camera parameters. Actual time can be obtained from GetAcquisitionTimings().

# KINETIC_CYCLE_TIME     Time between each image or accumulated series of
#                        images in kinetic series mode (seconds).
#      float seconds
# With Acquisition_Mode set to KINETIC_SERIES or RUN_TILL_ABORT,
# this kinetic_cycle_time gives the seconds between images or
# between 'accumulated' series. It is reset by the sdk s/w to the
# minimum possible time nearest what is requested based on all other
# camera parameters. Actual time can be obtained from GetAcquisitionTimings().

# NUMBER_OF_ACCUMULATIONS Number of images in each 'accumulation' series.
#      integer number of 'accumulation' images (scans) per accum series.
# With Acquisition_Mode set to ACCUMULATE or KINETIC_SERIES,
# this number of accumulations gives the number of images taken for
# each 'accumulated' series. 0 gives the same results as 1.

# NUMBER_IN_KINETIC_SERIES Number of scans (or accumulated scans) to be in
#                          the series.
#      integer number of kinetics scans (images)
# With Acquisition_Mode set to KINETIC_SERIES or FAST_KINETICS,
# this number_in_kinetic_series (SetNumberKinetics) gives the
# number of frames/scans (or accumulated scans) that are output.
# For Kinetic Series, this is the final grouping after setting the
# exposure_time, accumulate_cycle_time, number_of_accumulations,
# and kinetic_cycle_time.
# For Fast Kinetics, this is the final grouping after setting the
# exposure_time and accumulate_cycle_time.
# Max is near 1,500,000. 715,000 is ok.
# 715,000 took 5.913 hours. This is 120920 per hour.

##16 Hz mode



#for 190x190 full

#for 760x760 full

#for 4x4 47 deg 16 hz

#NUMBER_OF_RUNS  Number of times to run the program. Program starts imaging
#                at 1 again at a new time. Camera is already cooled down.
#                A new .log file is written. if nruns=2&nkinet=100:total=200.

# Image size/binning and location/start-end-pixels.
# Set horizontal and vertical number of pixels to bin-sum and
# start and stop pixels. These are for SetImage() call.
#         -----------------
#         |8              |       512  1024  :  897-1024
# image = |7              |                  :  769-896
#         |6              |                  :  641-768
#         |5              |                  :  513-640
#         |4              | 128   512        :  385-512
#         |3              | 128              :  257-384
#         |2              | 128              :  129-256
#         |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8| 128              :    1-128
#         -----------------
#          1 1
#          2 2
#          8 8 ...
# Set H_START < 1 to use original program and its defaults.
# Start/end are INCLUSIVE.
# For a full image (1024x1024) h_start/end is meaningless.
# Start and stop bins/pixels (hstart,hend,vstart,vend) will be tested
# and modified depending on camera_ccd_size.
# Note: start/end do NOT have to be on even multiple numbers.
# The H/V_BIN/sum numbers produce 'superpixels' where N pixles are binned-summed
# together before being read from the camera. This reduces the resolution but
# increases the amount of light per data-point and increases the speed of
# the imaging because data can be summed faster than it is read out.
# Example:  camera_ccd_size = 1024x1024.
#           H_START=257, H_END=768, V_START/END=same
#           H_BIN=1,V_BIN=1
#           Gives a 512x512 image in the middle of the ccd.
#           if h_bin=4, v_bin=2 then final image will be 128x256.

#  0: 32bit raw
#  1: 16or32bit depending on accum
#  2: 16bit raw
#  3: multiple dir/file structure
#  4: use ram disk
#  5: 16bit fits (not avail for linux Nov09)
#  6: 32bit ANDOR sif fmt
#  7: 16bit tiff fmt
#  8: same as 3 with compression