21:54:27 Starting Master v1.00 10/1/13 21:54:27 Process ID=1348 UTC is 2013-11-28 21:54:27.120; local time is 2013-11-28 21:54:27.120 Coordinated Universal Time (diff=0 min) 01:08:02 1 AcquireStoreDisplayImageNATION_Alaska.txt 36 The wait time must be an integer number of seconds 01:08:11 Log file open: MASTER C:\EAAdata2013_fall\20131128 \ MasterErrors_20131128215527.txt 01:08:11 Previous log file: C:\EAAdata2013_fall\20131128 \ MasterErrors_20131128215527.txt 17:11:03 Log file close